Friday, May 15, 2009

the links between car companys

there are many connections between different car companys so they can keep going and work better.

there are many deals done between companys so they can keep going. more recently it is a big problem for gm. they are trying to sell their company so they can keep the buissness going but they dont think they can do it themselves.

car companys also buy other car companys to get plans. this was perfectly illustrated by bmw and land rover. bmw saw that land rover were having problems so they made an offer. bmw did this purely to get land rovers designs for the workings of a 4x4. then bmw all of a sudden had a new 4x4 the x5.

car companys also buy other companys purely to get more revenue to put in the other company. this is like fiat who when they were a very big company bought out ferrari. now ferrari is making lots of money as it went to more countries and became more popular.

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